Concerns and Complaints Policy  

Date Approved: December 2024
Consultation with College Council December 2024
Approved By: Principal
Date of Review: December 2026

Page Contents


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • provide an outline of the complaints process at Templestowe College so that students, parents and members of the community are informed of how they can raise complaints or concerns about issues arising at our school

  • ensure that all complaints and concerns regarding Templestowe College are managed in a timely, effective, fair and respectful manner.

Templestowe College recognises that involving parents/carers in their child’s education is critical to children’s development and learning.  We aim to foster positive relationships with parents/carers and families to develop strong school community partnerships. 

Templestowe College recognises that in all partnerships there will be times when there are disagreements and issues of concern that will need to be resolved. As a result of implementing this policy, Templestowe College will have procedures in place to address concerns and complaints promptly, consistently and fairly.

Templestowe College’s approach to handling concerns and complaints is based on our values of:

  • providing a safe and supportive learning environment;

  • building relationships between students, parents/carers and staff; and

  • providing a safe working environment for staff


This policy relates to complaints brought by students, parents, carers, or members of our school community and applies to all matters relating to our school.

In some limited instances, we may need to refer a complainant to another policy area if there are different processes in place to manage the issue including:


Templestowe College welcomes feedback, both positive and negative, and is committed to continuous improvement. We value open communication with our families and are committed to understanding complaints and addressing them appropriately. We recognise that the complaints process provides an important opportunity for reflection and learning.

We value and encourage open and positive relationships with our school community. We understand that it is in the best interests of students for there to be a trusting relationship between families and our school.

When addressing a complaint, it is expected that all parties will:

  • be considerate of each other’s views and respect each other’s role

  • be focused on resolution of the complaint, with the interests of the student involved at the centre

  • act in good faith and cooperation

  • behave with respect and courtesy

  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of those involved, as appropriate

  • operate within and seek reasonable resolutions that comply with any applicable legislation and Department policy.

  • recognise that schools and the Department may be subject to legal constraints on their ability to act or disclose information in some circumstances.

Complaints and concerns for students

Templestowe College acknowledges that issues or concerns can cause stress or worry for students and impact their wellbeing and learning. Templestowe College encourages our students to promptly raise issues or concerns as they arise so that we can work together to resolve them.

Students with a concern or complaint can raise them with a trusted adult at school, for example, with a member of your Community Executive Team. This person will take your concern or complaint seriously and will explain to you what steps we can take to try to resolve the issue and support you.

Students are also able to raise a complaint confidentially, but not anonymously, through the email address This email address is monitored by the school Principal Group.

You can also ask your parent, carer or another trusted adult outside of the school, to talk to us about the issue instead. Information about our parent/carer complaints and concerns process is outlined further below. The parent/carer process also applies to students who are mature minors; refer to Mature Minors and Decision Making.

Other ways you can raise a concern or complaint with us include:

  • Speaking to a member of the school Principal group.

  • Speaking with your Connect Mentor

  • Sending an email to

Further information and resources to support students to raise issues or concerns are available at:

Complaints and concerns process for parents, carers and community members

Preparation for raising a concern or complaint

Templestowe College encourages parents, carers or members of the community who may wish to submit a complaint to:

  • carefully consider the issues you would like to discuss

  • remember you may not have all the facts relating to the issues that you want to raise

  • think about how the matter could be resolved

  • be informed by checking the policies and guidelines set by the Department of Education and Templestowe College (see “Further Information and Resources” section below).

 The information that Templestowe College may require from a complaint could be:

  • name and contact details;

  • a brief description of the concern or complaint;

  • action requested on the concern or complaint; and

  • expected outcome/resolution.

Support person

You are welcome to have a support person to assist you in raising a complaint with our school. Please advise us if you wish to have a support person to assist you, and provide their name, contact details, and their relationship to you. 

Anonymous complaints

Anonymous complaints will be investigated. However, staff might not be able to fully investigate a complaint if they cannot effectively liaise with the complainant. Furthermore, anonymous complaints raise natural justice issues for respondents who have a right to know the particulars of the allegations made against them.  

Raising a concern

Templestowe College is always happy to discuss with parents/carers and community members any concerns that they may have. Concerns in the first instance should be directed to your Childs Community Executive Team. Where possible, the Community Executive Teams will work with you to ensure that your concerns are appropriately addressed.

Making a complaint

Where concerns cannot be resolved in this way, parents or community members may wish to make a formal complaint to the Principal.

If you would like to make a formal complaint, in most cases, depending on the nature of the complaint raised, our school will first seek to understand the issues and will then convene a resolution meeting with the aim of resolving the complaint together. The following process will apply:

  1. Complaint received: For a formal complaint, please either email directly, or telephone the Principal through the Principals PA, to raise that you would like to outline your complaint so that we can fully understand what the issues are. We can discuss your complaint in a way that is convenient for you, whether in writing, in person or over the phone.

  2. Information gathering: Depending on the issues raised in the complaint, the Principal, Assistant Principal or nominee may need to gather further information to properly understand the situation. This process may also involve speaking to others to obtain details about the situation or the concerns raised.

  3. Response: Where possible, a resolution meeting will be arranged with the Principal, or delegate, to discuss the complaint with the objective of reaching a resolution satisfactory to all parties. If after the resolution meeting we are unable to resolve the complaint together, we will work with you to produce a written summary of the complaint in the event you would like to take further action about it. In some circumstances, the Principal may determine that a resolution meeting would not appropriate. In this situation, a response to the complaint will be provided in writing.

  4. Timelines: Templestowe College will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible (usually within two school days) and will seek to resolve complaints in a timely manner. Depending on the complexity of the complaint, Templestowe College may need some time to gather enough information to fully understand the circumstances of your complaint. We will endeavour to complete any necessary information gathering and hold a resolution meeting where appropriate within 10 working days of the complaint being raised. In situations where further time is required, Templestowe College will consult with you and discuss any interim solutions to the dispute that can be put in place.

Please note that unreasonable conduct (e.g. vexatious complaints) may need to be managed differently to the procedures in this policy.


Where appropriate, Templestowe College may seek to resolve a complaint by:

  • an apology or expression of regret

  • a change of decision

  • a change of policy, procedure or practice

  • offering the opportunity for student counselling or other support

  • other actions consistent with school values that are intended to support the student, parent and school relationship, engagement, and participation in the school community.

In some circumstances, Templestowe College may also ask you to attend a meeting with an independent third party, or participate in a mediation with an accredited mediator to assist in the resolution of the dispute.


If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved by the school, or if your complaint is about the Principal and you do not want to raise it directly with them, then the complaint should be referred to the North Eastern Victorian Region Department of Education (NEVR) by contacting

Templestowe College may also refer a complaint to NEVR if we believe that we have done all we can to address the complaint.

For more information about the Department’s parent complaints process, including the role of the Regional Office, please see: Raise a complaint or concern about your school.

Record keeping and other requirements

To meet Department and legal requirements, our school must keep written records of:

  • Serious, substantial or unusual complaints

  • Complaints relating to the Child Information Sharing Scheme and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, to meet regulatory requirements - refer to Child and Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes for further information

Our school also follows Department policy to ensure that record-keeping, reporting, privacy and employment law obligations are met when responding to complaints or concerns.

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following way:

  • Available publicly on the school website

  • Included in staff induction processes

  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions as required

  • Annually referenced in Next Week @TC

  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources