Our Story
The recent story of Templestowe College, or TC as we like to call it, is one based around an evolution that has been shaped by the many students, staff and family members that have been a part of our Community. It is a story that has a common focus around challenging the status quo of not just how the school does things, but what education can look like.
As a progressive school, we will always continue to challenge our own thinking, with the end goal of empowering each member of our Community.
Templestowe College itself has been operating since 1994, but our current story really starts in October, 2009 when the school took on a whole new direction. The school had not moved with the times and student numbers had fallen from 1000 students to a tiny 286 students. With just 23 year sevens there was a serious threat of the school being closed.
The College Council and a group of committed staff and students decided on a complete change in focus. Rather than remaining just another traditional school, Templestowe College would embrace its smaller size and become experts in personalised learning. TC as we now call it, was born.
Interest from students and their parents who were feeling lost or dissatisfied with the current education system and wanting to explore a new style of education, saw numbers start to climb. Following a strategic review in 2013, TC moved towards individualised learning, and by 2015 we dropped all reference to year levels, and students were able to have a greater say in their learning by selecting 100% of their course load from more than 150 electives as part of their Individualised Learning Plan (ILP).
Over the following years the school grew rapidly, to now being a school with 1250 students and a total learning community of over 1400 people.
These programs have continued to evolve since then as the school continues to meet the needs of the Community. Through the school looking for excuses to say yes to ideas from members of the Community, and using the latest research, the school is now recognised as one of the most innovative schools in Australia.
Over the years the school has had a focus on entrepreneurial learning as we look for our students to be doing real things that matter. We are not here to occupy students time or prepare students for a future that may never happen, but instead we want our students to know that they can make a difference now.
The school has continued to focus on supporting all students, no matter what their pathway may be. With new programs continually introduced to support all students to meet their needs and not just a focus on one outcome of an ATAR score, we believe that our students are able to leave school as confident learners who are ready to learn anything.
As a school we will always continue to look at ways that we can improve and offer young people true advocacy in their education and learning. As an example, at the end of 2017, College Council made the decision to remove compulsory uniform, based about a campaign led by our students.
Another example currently in place is that each year our Student Leadership program is designed by our current student leaders, working alongside staff at the school.
As part of our story, it has been intentional that some things will not change around our philosophy. Two fundamental philosophies that will never change are our “One Person Policy” and our “Yes is the Default” rule. These are what make TC so great beyond any structures, any innovations (of which we have many) or any ideas of individuals. .
Throughout the years we have moved from personalised learning, through to individualised learning, to co-creation. We are now currently in our new strategic plan titled TC:The Next Level which is based on our purpose of to challenge the status quo, so that everyone is empowered to learn.
Our new Strategic plan sees the school looking to build on our strengths, identifying what an empowered learner is and using this as a framework, as well as focusing in on new assessment measures that go beyond the narrow measures of test scores and grades. These are our Expanded Measures of Success.
We encourage you to have a look at our website at all of the information that we have to share. As a school we do not believe in hiding things as we want to see a better education system for all students, not just our own.
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