Student Assessment, Reporting and Data Policy 

Date Approved: October 2024
Approved By: Principal
Date of Review: October 2025

Assessment and Reporting Schedule

This schedule is intended to support staff to keep up with their workload and assessment and reporting cycles. The schedule is designed to give timely feedback to students and parents as to learning progress in each subject. Individual classes may vary the number of Learning Tasks per Semester as determined by the teaching team and Learning Area Leader.

Term 1 PAT-R assessments for all students new to the college.
Formative assessments for literacy and numeracy
WASHI cycle 1
Learning task 1
Week 3 - Learning Task 1 visible on Compass
Week 7 - Learning Task 1 Complete
Week 9 - Learing Task 1 feedback complete and on Compass
Term 2 WASHI cycle 2 and 3
Learning task 2 and 3
Week 2 - Learning Task 2 visible on Compass
Week 4 - Learning Task 2 complete
Week 6 - Learning Task 2 feedback complete and on Compass
Week 6 - Learning Task 3 visible on Compass
Week 8 - Learning Task 3 complete
Week 10 - Learning Task 3 feedback complete and on Compass
Semester Reports
Term 3 WASHI cycle 4 and 5
Learning task 1
Week 3 - Learning Task 1 visible on Compass
Week 6 - Learning Task 1 Complete
Week 8 - Learing Task 1 feedback complete and on Compass
Term 4 WASHI cycle 6
Learning task 2 and 3
PAT-R assessments for all stundets Entry - FLE 3
Week 2 - Learning Task 2 visible on Compass
Week 4 - Learning Task 2 complete
Week 6 - Learning Task 2 feedback complete and on Compass
Week 6 - Learning Task 3 visible on Compass
Week 8 - Learning Task 3 complete
Week 10 - Learning Task 3 feedback complete and on Compass
VCE Exams
Semester Reports

Work and Study Habits Index (WASHI)

Students receive feedback on their work and study habits from each of their teachers three times per semester – roughly every five weeks.

Students are assessed against the following criteria:

  • Readiness to learn: Do you come to class with the required materials, pre-learning completed and an open mind?

  • Behaviour: Does your behaviour help to build a focused and inclusive environment?

  • Participation and contribution: Do you actively engage with and contribute to classroom learning?

  • Academic effort: Do you complete all required tasks and actively seek to extend your skills?

For each criteria, students receive a scale statement, either ‘Exemplary, Consistent, Needs Improvement or Not Yet Demonstrated’.

A student who receives a ‘Consistent’ rating consistently meets the high expectations we hold for our young people at TC. Students receiving ‘Exemplary’ are those who go above and beyond these expectations; students who receive a ‘Needs Improvement’ are not yet meeting the expectations.

Expectations for each criteria in WASHI are outlined in a matrix, to be circulated at the start of the year. Staff should refer to these when compiling their WASHI feedback, and students should refer to this when reflecting on their WASHI scores.


Semester Reports and Learning Tasks

We employ a continuous approach to assessment and reporting, providing timely written feedback (2 weeks for Entry and FLE subjects, 3 weeks for VCE subjects) on summative assessment. Summative feedback is provided to students and families on a continuous basis through Compass. Continuous reporting feedback is compiled at the end of each semester for end of semester reports.

Each learning task will have a rubric uploaded as an attachment to the learning task on Compass and is also available to parents as an attachment in the Compass feedback.

Expanded Measures of Success

In addition to being assessed against the Victorian Curriculum, Entry and FLE students are also assessed against our Expanded Measures of Success.

The expanded measures of success recognize students’ ability to demonstrate capacity in the following areas.

  • Working with Others

  • Independence

  • Creative Thinking

  • Active Citizenship

  • Technology

Students will have their EMS capability reported on using the Continuum in Compass. This can viewed by students, parents and staff via the student profile page.

Detailed information on the EMS can be found here.

Components of Continuous Reports
Component Entry & FLE (Inc. PreVCE) VCE
Learning Tasts on Compass Three per semester As per study design
Feedbac Comment An individualized feedback comment which outlines: what the student has achieved; how they did this; the next step for their learning; and strategies they might use to meet this next step.
Rubric Developmental Rubric VCAA performance descriptors
Level of achievement Achievement Statement aligned to developmental rubric
Beginning, Emerging, Developing, Capable, Experienced, Expert
Percentage or Achievement Standard
(VL, L, M, H, VH)
Components of Learning Tasks
Component Description
Task on Compass A task on Compass is created through the Learning Task Template Whilst there may be a single product that a student produces in response to the task the intention of recording progress on compass is to give a wholistic overview of the students’ performance throughout a specific unit of work. The task should allow for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the unit that has been studied and provide that opportunity equally across all classes of the same subject.
Provide student feedback using ‘Open Comment’ Component Each student will receive personalised feedback through Compass. The comment recognises areas of student success or growth, strategies, habits or attitudes that helped them achieve this success, the next step for their learning, and strategies for how to achieve this. This is an opportunity to recognise student growth since diagnostic and formative assessments, and to commend the habits or behaviors contributing to success. The comment is addressed to the student, as it is feedback on their work.
Student Reflection: Appears as a separate learning task on compass. At least one reflection will be complete per subject per semester(Entry to Pre-VCE) All students will complete on Student reflection per subject, per Semester. The students will reflect on their engagement with the class, any goal setting, EMS, self-management and any learning tasks. The reflection can be across a whole unit of work, the Semester or a specific learning task.
Student reflections are not a comment by themselves.
Provide an assessment rubric (Entry to Pre-VCE) / performance descriptor (VCE) A rubric is attached to the Learning Task. The rubric criteria should identify the different criterion for assessment (demonstrated qualities and skills) being assessed across different levels of achievement. Quality descriptors should be provided for each level of achievement in each criterion. Entry and FLE classes will used developmental rubrics with a balance of curriculum skills and EMS; VCE classes will use the VCAA performance descriptors where applicable. Pre VCE subjects may use a test with a clear marking scheme in place of a rubric.
VCE / VCE-VM only
Indicate students' overall level of achievement on the task through the appropriate ‘component’ on Compass
VCE Proficiency Tasks, SACs and SATs should indicate the level of student achievement through a percentage or achievement standard (Not Satisfactory, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High – based on the rubric ) as agreed on through Learning Areas.
For Unit 3&4 subjects including a percentage, your comment must include a note that these grades are an indication only and may change through the VCAA moderation process.
VCE-VM VCE-VM will be assessed as Above standard, At standard, Working towards standard and Not assessed.
Semester result At the end of the Unit, a Semester Result will be added to Compass for staff to report the outcome for the unit as S, N or NA. This outcome applies to the entire unit and not an individual SAC/SAT.
The VASS forms will be prepopulated with N's based on attendance. Staff must not change these N's to S's and must report these N’s as the outcome for the task.
When the Semester result is entered into Compass, staff will also complete a 'Confirmation of N' post for the students based on coursework

Communication of this policy

This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Available publicly on the school website

  • Included in staff induction processes

  • Included in transition correspondence to new families

  • Discussed at staff briefings/meetings as required

  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions as required

  • Annually referenced in Next Week @TC

  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources

Related TC Resources: