To challenge the status quo, so that everyone is empowered to learn
— TC Our Purpose

Next Week @TC


  • Calendar for Families of Key Term 1 Dates

  • Roadworks around TC next Friday 7th Feb

  • Doncaster Park and Ride is now closed

  • Traffic flow through the school - one way system

  • Join Our parent/carers Facebook group

  • Change Week - Subject Changes Semester 1

  • Attendance reminder

  • Mobile Phone Policy refresh - Day 1 reflections

  • CSEF applications now open

  • Photographing, Filming and Recording students opt out

  • Annual Policy Reminder

  • Annual Privacy Statement

Calendar for Families of Key Term 1 Dates

Please find below a print out from Compass of some of the key dates for term 1. This could be printed out and put on your fridge!

On this are:

  • Student Parent Teacher Interviews – no classes run on this day due to the size of the school and the logistics for everyone to be able to see their teachers

  • Term end dates

  • TC Pool Party – this event is one that students should be attending. No classes run on this day but it is one that gives students a great opportunity to take part in something (whether water based or not) and build connections

  • Photo day and mop up photo day dates

  • Community Launch assembly dates and times for students


Next Friday February 7, there will be power works happening through the day near TC. This will mean that nearby street Montepellier Avenue will be partly closed from Lynnwood parade and traffic will be slower than usual on Lynnwood Parade.

The works will be conducted between 7:30AM and 3:30PM.

For further details, see the below link.

Doncaster Park and Ride is Now Closed

We have been informed that Doncaster park and ride will be closed until 2028 as part of the North East Link. There is still a bus stop nearby. Please visit PTV for further information if this impacts you.

Traffic Flow Through the School One Way System

The traffic flow through the school on Day 1 was fairly good. Thank you for your patience. Please remember to leave additional time throughout the first week and keep to the speed limit.

Join our parent/carers facebook group

TC has an active parents/carers Facebook page, run by parents for parents. Promoting a safe space for parents and carers of students at Templestowe College to share information online, the group celebrates school achievements, keeps up to date with school events, and more.

To join please follow this link all members will be confirmed by a school staff member, please ensure you answer the requested questions to join.

Change Week - Semester 1 Subject Changes

Change week begins in week three. Next week a form will be posted to community teams pages that students need to fill in if they are looking to change any subjects for Semester 1. Any questions regarding this process, students should talk to their community team in SWING.

Attendance Reminder

As another school year begins, I wanted to take a moment to emphasise the importance of regular school attendance for our students.

Consistent attendance is one of the most significant factors in ensuring student success. When students attend school regularly, they are more likely to engage with the material, participate in classroom activities, and develop the skills and habits necessary for their academic and personal growth. Missing school—even occasionally—can result in missed lessons and challenges in keeping up with work, school activities and friendships.

We understand that life can be unpredictable, and sometimes students may need to miss school for various reasons. However, we encourage you to make every effort to ensure your child is present as much as possible. Additionally, if your student must miss school, we ask that you report the absence on Compass and encourage them to stay in contact with their teacher via Microsoft Teams to ensure they stay up-to-date with any work missed. If you require assistance with logging into/using Compass please call the school on 9850-6333 and Press 4 for our IT Department. Alternatively, please log a request for IT support using the following website: TC - I.T Support.

If there are any barriers or concerns that may affect your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s relevant Community Executive Team.

Many thanks, 
Katrina Katz - Assistant Principal - Community and Wellbeing

Mobile Phone Policy Refresh – Day 1 Reflections

As everyone will be aware we all have an obligation to help the school meet its requirements as part of the Ministerial Order around mobile phones.

As we aim to help our students develop the skills to self-regulate (whilst also meeting our requirements), we wanted to share some interesting reflections from students. One was that a few students commented that reaching for their phones was just an automatic habit. They had no reason to do this, it just happened. This could make for an interesting discussion at home around how long it can take to break a habit and the supports that could be put in place at home as well.

We will also be adding more clocks around the school, having spoken to students. Are you aware if your child can read an analogue clock (ie with hands) as well as a digital one? A surprising number of students said that they were unable to do so. We are looking to produce some resources for families to be able to do this at home where needed.

Our staff commented that 99.9% of our students were really respectful when working or speaking with staff on this policy as part of the schools requirement under the ministerial order. No phones needed to be kept in the safe for the day, and no students needed to be collected. We really appreciate the support from our families as we know there are, and have been, conversations at home around supporting us to meet this requirement and also give all of our students a break from the demands of social media throughout the day.

CSEF applications now open

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips

  • swimming and school-organised sports programs

  • outdoor education programs

  • excursions and incursions

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to user-pays activities for the benefit of your student/s. The annual CSEF amount is $250.00 per secondary school student.


Please complete the CSEF application form - - and return it to the TC general office with a copy of your concession card. Alternatively, you can email through a copy of the completed form and concession card to

If you successfully applied for CSEF at TC last year, you do not need to complete a new application unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

New application forms are only required in the following instances:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.

  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.

For more information please visit Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund | (, or call through to the Accounts team on ph. 03 9850 6333 (option 3).

Photographing, Filming and Recording students opt out

During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey/camps/excursions/sports events etc, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on classroom blogs/apps etc.

If you would like to Opt OUT of having your child used in media within the school community or in publications/locations that are publicly accessibly please read our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy and complete the Annual Consent Form and return to the general office.

Annual Policy Reminder

A reminder that you can find our policies on our website. These can be found by clicking here.

Annual Privacy Statement

Annual privacy reminder for 2024

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in nine community languages: Amharic, Arabic, Dari, Gujarati, Mandarin, Somali, Sudanese, Turkish, Urdu ,Vietnamese